Games Binder for Phys.Ed. teachers
GAME:   500                                                              TYPE: Striking and fielding

CYCLE:   II and III                                                  ACTIVITY LEVEL: Medium

MATERIAL:  1 tennis ball per student, play in a soccer field

                          1 pinny per student (2 different colors)


TACTICS:     Work as a team in defense

                        Strike the ball where defense is not standing

                        Throw the ball close to borders so it is easier to defend after


Layer 1:

-          In order to warm-up, kids will stand on 1 line

-          They all have to toss their ball with an angle of 45 degrees

-          They will toss their ball 4-5 time each with different force

Layer 2:

-          Two teams will be made by the teacher

-          One student from one team will toss the tennis ball and will yell a number between 0 and 100

-          The opposite team has to catch the ball before it lands

-          If the opposite team catches the ball they the number of points yelled earlier

-          If the ball lands on the ground the tossing team will receive points

-          The ball has to land inside of the soccer field

-          The toss has to be made with a 45 degree and at least 3 meters away

-          Every player has to throw once before any other player throws a second time


-          Students can call negative points

-          More than 2 teams (they have to call the color of the team like Kinball)


-          Use appropriate balls depending the strength of the students

-          Use appropriate size of field (maybe half of the soccer field?)