Games Binder for Phys.Ed. teachers
GAME:   Everyone is it                                                          TYPE: pursuit and evade

CYCLE:   I to III                                                                  ACTIVITY LEVEL: High


TACTICS:     Try to use all the space available

                        React fast enough to avoid getting touched

                        React fast enough to touch the opposite player


Layer 1:

-          Students are spread through the gym

-          They circulate in the gym freely but have to avoid other players


Layer 2:

-          They want to freeze any opponent by touching them

-          When frozen, students have to stand still with palms up

-          Any alive player can free a frozen one by touching their palm and saying your free 3X

-          When freeing someone, players are on base

Layer 3:

-          Add some bases (students can do some moves or install static bases)

-          Static bases can be used only by one player at a time


-          Teacher can free anyone by touching them

-          Auto-defrost by doing some special moves (example 4 burpees)


-          Make sure kids use proper tagging (no slaps allowed)

-          Players have to be aware of dangerous contacts (heads up and look where they go)