Games Binder for Phys.Ed. teachers
GAME:   Love triangle                                              TYPE: Foundational movements

CYCLE:  I to III                                                                   ACTIVITY LEVEL: High

MATERIAL:  in a gym


TACTICS:     React as a team in defense

                        Try to fake opponents on offense and outrun them


Layer 1:

-          Teams of 4 are made

-          3 teammates will hold hands and the other will stand outside of the “love triangle”

-          The lonely player will try to catch a designated player in the triangle

-          This person will try to avoid to be touched by his pursuer

-          The triangle is only allowed to move in circle

-          The pursuer can only move around the triangle

-          Every player has to play as the pursuer and the pursued once

-          Switch every 1-2 minutes


-          No idea


-          Make sure there is no objects on the ground around the triangle