Games Binder for Phys.Ed. teachers
GAME:   Giants, Elves, Wizards                                               TYPE: pursuit and evade

CYCLE:   II and III                                                              ACTIVITY LEVEL: Medium

MATERIAL: in a gym


TACTICS:     Try to find the character to use

                        React fast enough to avoid getting touched

                        React fast enough to touch the opposite player


Layer 1:

-          Students are put in pair with equally speed

-          They are facing each other at about one or two meter distance

-          Students will have to decide to do either a Wizard, a Giant or an Elf

-          (giants win over elves, elves win over wizards and wizards win over giants)

-          When one student wins over the opposite player he chase him down (Crows and Cranes)


Layer 2:

-          If the pursuer runs into the opposite base he can get touched

Layer 3:

-          The whole class is separated in two and will do the same move

-          They have to work as a team and meet before every play


-          Tournament

-          Teams can prepare 2 or 3 moves in a row


-          Make sure that every kid understands what move goes with what character

-          Make sure that every kid can run safely to their base (no walls close to the their base)