Games Binder for Phys.Ed. teachers
GAME:   Parachute                                          TYPE: Cooperative team building

CYCLE:   I and II                                                     ACTIVITY LEVEL: Low

MATERIAL: 1 parachute, little light balls


TACTICS:     Work as a team towards a certain objective


Layer 1:

-          Every students hold on to the parachute on a certain color

-          They first learn how to do the huge dome

-          Then little and big waves

-          Children will make a dome and the teacher will give a color so children have to switch place with people of the same color

Layer 2:

-          Students make a dome, get into it and sit on the edge of the parachute

-          They show inside only their face, their feet, etc depending on what the teacher asked

Layer 3:

-          Add balls on the parachute and create an explosion of balls in the gym


-          Add bigger and more balls for a huge explosion


-          Make sure kids are not stepping on the parachute with their shoes

-          Start with a small explosion and explain this could be dangerous