Games Binder for Phys.Ed. teachers
GAME:   Run Forest Run !!!                                                              TYPE: Striking and fielding

CYCLE:   II and III                                                  ACTIVITY LEVEL: Medium-High

MATERIAL:  1 hoop per 2 students + 1, 1 tennis ball


TACTICS:     Work as a team in defense

                        Strike the ball where defense is not standing

                        Establish eye contact before passing the ball


Layer 1:

-          2 equal teams are made by the teacher

-          This game is played outside in forest, in a park or on a soccer field

-          Place every hoops forming a huge circle (size of the circle depends on age)

-          Place 1 hoop in the middle of the circle (this is home)

-          Both teams will be placed on hoops (every player has their own and stands on it)

-          On “GO” this team will run and make a full turn of the circle (just to make sure they understand)

Layer 2:

-          There will be one team in the middle of the court (defenders)

-          The goal is run around the circle

-          To start running offense team has to throw the tennis ball inside of the circle

-          To stop offense team to run, defenders have to place the tennis ball inside of the hoop in the middle of the circle

-          Every hoop a runner passes is 1 point

-          When the tennis ball is placed in the middle, runners have to stop running and move to the last hoop they have passed

-          Always a new thrower will be designed on the offense team

-          Switch offense and defense every 5 throws


-          Players can throw outside of the circle

-          The whole defense team has to get inside of the circle


-          Use appropriate balls depending the strength of the students

-          Make sure there is no road or anything potentially dangerous close to your circle

-          Prepare spare balls if you lose one (e.g. in the forest or in a tree)