Games Binder for Phys.Ed. teachers
GAME:   Mixed and twisted circle                                TYPE: Cooperative team building

CYCLE:   I to III                                                      ACTIVITY LEVEL: Low

MATERIAL: 1 pinnie and 1 blindfold per student


TACTICS:     Use appropriate communication

                        Strategically working as a team


Layer 1:

-          Students form a circle of at least 5 person

-          They all hold a pinnie in both hands with a person in the group not standing next to them but never both hands with the same person

-          They try to reform the circle by moving over and under arms

Layer 2:

-          Some of the students will wear blindfolds

-          The circle will get bigger

Layer 3:

-          All of the students will wear blindfolds


-          Try with the whole class

-          Try with one person leading the team from outside of the circle if this is too difficult

-          Try with the lights closed


-          Do not close the lights with young first cycle

-          The teacher will tell children to move slowly while wearing blindfolds to avoid accidents